We’re back! We took a few months break from the newsletter. 

Are you grateful for this beautiful autumn season? We sure are. We are making a lot of our clients happy and grateful right now with projects as small as a primary bath remodel all the way up to three very large home remodeling jobs that are touching a good portion of their homes. We love home remodeling! It is our chance to shine and show off our interior design and project management skills.

We hope you’re ready to entertain for the holidays. Are you prepared? Here are several things to think about:

  • The Dinner Table. Do you have enough silverware for your crowd? Plates, Glasses. Are your candles fresh or do you need to pick up a few for the table? Napkins. If you use fabric napkins, do they need to be ironed along with the tablecloth? If you use paper, do you need something a little cuter than the Chinet in the pantry?

  • Kitchen Equipment. Do you have a roasting pan, pie pans, sauce pans for gravy and vegetables and serving dishes?

  • The Turkey. Finally, have you ordered your turkey? (There may be supply chain issues with them as well, this year!)

It is so much easier to make a checklist weeks prior to the big event and then be able to tick off each item.

I grew up in a large family who likes to entertain, especially for Thanksgiving. I like to look at what I am going to bring and prepare as much as possible in advance. Here is a delicious soup recipe that I think sends the right message about being grateful! It is warm and embracing with rich autumn vegetables and spicy chipotle.

I love to start off the meal with this soup and hope you enjoy it too!


  • 1 large squash- peeled and deseeded or Costco’s peeled and chopped squashed ready to go

  • 1 yellow onion- peeled and sliced

  • Olive oil to drizzle

  • 1 pear or apple

  • 1 can of chipotle chilis

  • Cumin

  • 2 quarts of chicken broth 

  • Salt/ pepper to taste

  • Creme Fraiche for garnish

  • Bacon or pancetta

    • Place Squash and onion on a sheet pan and drizzle with olive oil.

    • Roast the squash and onion until softened.  Roast at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until soft.

    • Place all the squash and onion in a stock pot. Add stock, 1 chipotle ( or more if you like it spicier) cumin salt and pepper. Add either the apple or the pear

    • Allow to come to a boil briefly, then simmer for 30 minutes to allow all the flavors to meld. In the meantime, cook bacon or pancetta until crispy to your taste.

    • Use an immersion blender or large countertop blender and blend until smooth.  Use soup bowls or tea cups to serve. Add a dollop of creme fraiche and a sprinkling of bacon/ pancetta to the top prior to serving.


Some of you may be looking for new furniture that is readily available. We have a beautiful sofa and multiple different chairs on the floor of our showroom and ready to be delivered to your home before the holidays. Are you just looking for a little refresh in home décor and accessories? We have those too! Please come in and browse around!

We are booked with remodeling projects and are so grateful to our clients for their trust in us! If you are thinking about doing any renovations to your home in the near to medium future, please think ahead! With the supply chain issues and labor shortages, we estimate it can take 4-6 months of planning prior to beginning a medium-sized home remodeling project. That means it will be April or May if you start now on the design portion of the project. We are not scheduling any of our subcontractors prior to confirming the availability of materials. Understand that shipping is also a line item none of us thought much about prior to the pandemic, but we do now as it impacts the cost of everything we order.

We hope you and yours have an amazing Thanksgiving and take some time with your family to show your gratitude! We appreciate all of you! 


