Happy New Year! First of all, we’d like to say thank you! Thank you for allowing us to come into your homes, thank you for the connections we’ve created with you, and thank you for the opportunity to create spaces you like to spend time in. As we all move forward to create a fresh start this year, we want to ask a question: does turning over from December 31st to January 1st really mean anything other than a new day? Traditionally it’s time to take stock of your life and figure out what you’d like to see different from last year to this. We’re sure you’re all sayingeverythingshould be different, but there’s more to it than that. What can you clear from last year to this? And what can you add? Clearing or cleaning gives the opportunity to see yourself or your space in a new light.  When you remove something it isn’t always an opportunity to replace it. Sit with the empty spot so you can decide what is needed. Move pieces around to see if a new location might reinvigorate your space. As Interior Designers we don’t always want you to buy new furniture, we love to use what you have and find the right place for it. We love knowing the history behind a piece and why it has meaning in your life. There is the opposite as well, where a piece may have bad feelings because a person may have owned it that wasn’t kind to you. That bad energy imbued in that piece should be reason enough to find a new home or donate it. So, as we embark on a new set of months, remember that it isn’t always a good idea to fully ditch the old for the new. Sometimes, there’s a bit of nostalgia or meaning that is sticking with the old.


Speaking of making changes, our Complements Home Interiors team wants to give you the knowledge and guidance you need to turn your ideas into reality. How? Well, we want to help your home, your space reflect how you want to feel about yourself. Does your space make you feelmehand you want it to feel fun? We can help you find your inner child by jazzing up your space. See what we did with this kitchen? We took a very mediocre space and redesigned it so it was more usable. We added color, gorgeous hardware, and beautiful surfaces for a whole new look. And voila! We made the space ultimately more practical as well as so much more fun in which to create magic meals. Another little known fact is that CHI also has our contractor’s license, as well. This means that,in addition to helping you design your home, we can take your space and dive in deep to create both livable and beautiful spaces. We love remodels! That’s right, we love being able to take a space that wasn’t well thought out  and redesigning it so you and your family can use it to its utmost potential. We want you to use every bit of your home so that you can enjoy it and really live there. Not sure about our process? We start with a meeting to hear what the problem is. We ask questions about your lifestyle and dreams., which means a deep dive into how you live. We want to know if you have children, animals, how old they are and how long you’ll live in this house. Do you have parties, like or entertain or do you prefer to curl up and read by yourself? If this is your forever home, how can we help to create and improve it so you will be able to age in place comfortably? We love a challenge!


More than ever before, the home office is more than just a bonus. For a lot of people, a work-from-home space is a downright necessity. Is your creativity falling flat because your desk area also doubles as your bedroom? Are your Zoom calls doomed as you balance your laptop on your knees? As interior designers and contractors, we can help fashion a part of your home to make it both comfortable and fashionable. In fact, we like finding interesting solutions to problems that might appear insurmountable. So, what’s a few of our best ideas for creating a work-at-home space? Your work from home location should ideally be quiet and have room for your computer, a comfortable chair, and space to store a few things. You may not need much more than that. Need inspiration? Feel free to look around online but be reasonable. Pinterest is so much to look at people’s drool-worthy offices, but if you are sharing the space with a partner or your children, then make sure you are using your actual space to its highest best use. Your master bedroom is not ideal, but if that is the only place that has a door that locks where you can keep the kids at bay during an important Zoom call. Likewise, a corner may be all you need. There are desks that attach to the wall that can tuck up and away when you don’t need them. If you have a dedicated office that needs updating into the 21st Century, then the sheer volume of desks available is staggering. The nice thing about modern desks is that they are sleek and unencumbered without too many drawers. In fact,hereis one of our favorites.


Again, our entire team at Complements Home Interiors would like to wish you all the best during this new year. We do not ever take for granted what we do for you. After the last year we’ve all had, our spaces are more sacred than ever before. We hope 2021 brings us all deeper into the connections that make each of lives richer!


