Holiday Greetings to you! We hope you all are well, and find joy and peace in this holiday season!  We miss hugging you (or at least shaking your hands). We have high hopes that next year will bring us more… kindness, joy, compassion and ease in our lives.


I’ve recently been introduced to the Danish concept of “Hygge” (hue-guh) which is used to describe a feeling or moment as being quaint, charming and pleasantly cozy. Hygge can occur with friends or alone, out in public or at home during which you are fully present, conscientious of your surroundings and the recognition of being blissfully special. It’s the feeling of being curled up in your cozy bed on a Sunday morning, light trickling in the windows, fur babies snuggled up next to you, a spiced tea in hand and your favorite book on your lap. It’s savoring a delicious meal you spent an hour preparing. Hygge is spending quality time walking your dog and soaking up every moment. Luckily this is not a hard concept to learn or master! 

Hygge is the art of living intentionally. How many times have you made coffee and drank it without being present? Or blinked and have driven to work without remembering the drive? Like so many others, I find myself thinking about my To Do List, a client meeting later that day, what I need to get at the store or  myriad  other distractions instead of being fully present. 

With so many distractions at our fingertips it’s quite easy to get caught up moving and shaking; I am guilty of being on the move constantly and overextending myself.I attribute this arduous pace to FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out. This year I’ve given myself permission to be still and not have a packed schedule. I have to say, it’s been lovely changing it up.

The Danes manifested Hygge to break up long, dark, cold Winter days, sameness and boredom…sound familiar? With the current chaos of our lives it’s more important than ever to honor the little delights we are so fortunate to experience. By creating these small rituals, it celebrates joy that already exists in our lives. All we have to do is allow space for this joy to shine through and boost our mood. 

Rather than seeking the newest gadget, latest handbag or hottest new outfit (as society encourages), perhaps this year we delve inward to appreciate the time and place and little moments. The last year has been challenging and has forced us to get creative in how and where we spend our time. Instead of fighting the current state of affairs, I’ve found solace in going with the flow; like it or not we all need to adapt to staying home and socializing less for the time being. It’s easier to accept that we aren’t missing out on much when there aren’t any events, parties, concerts or sporting events happening. We will return to normal but for the time being I’m enjoying reading with my fur babies, having game night with family, not traveling as much and exploring new hikes around Bend. 


We have a few specialty things in  our showroom that local craftsmen have made. We have a beautiful coffee table that goes very well with the Mountain Modern theme that is so popular right now. The top appears to be metal with rivets but is actually a painted finish made to look like metal.

We also have a mouth blown, black and white  glass vase that highlights “Modern” in its simplicity.

We have two pieces of art from nature that have been coaxed from trees and fashioned into conversation pieces.

Conversely, stylewise, we have this amazing piece from Robert Seliger. It is an Arches Desk. It is completely hand-crafted, designed and built by Robert Seliger.

Let us know if you’d be interested in seeing any of these pieces in person. Call us for an appointment!


Speaking of appointments, we are going to “appointment only” to make your time in our showroom the safest it can possibly be. Please respect our appointments so that we can make our showroom safe in between appointments and give you our undivided attention. Contact us today for an appointment! 


